The difference between a hardwood and softwood.

When you read hardwood and softwood you might think that the difference is obvious. However, the term hardwood and softwood is quite misleading as it has nothing to do with the density of the tree. In fact, you can find that some softwoods are actually harder than a hardwood. DIfferent trees give different properties in terms of depth and colour. For example, Engineered Wood Flooring works with certain types but not others.

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Density is no indication as to what is a hardwood. For example, you may remember working with balsa wood at school. It is light and easy to snap. It is, in fact, a hardwood. Pine, on the other hand, is strong, durable and used a lot in kitchen furniture. It is a softwood.

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The difference comes down rather if the tree is deciduous or if it is an evergreen. Deciduous trees shed their leaves in the winter. These are varieties such as Oak, Beech and Willow. Softwoods are evergreen such as conifers and pines. One of the most outstanding characteristics  between the two is the colour. Softwood is lighter and hardwood is darker. This makes the choice of wood essential when it comes to choosing your decoration.

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