How diets can improve health

A Low Fodmap Diet is ideal for people who suffer from IBS, which stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The diet helps alleviate the symptoms of IBS through the inclusion and exclusion of certain food items. Common symptoms are listed on the NHS website, these include stomach pain or cramps, bloating, diarrhoea, and constipation. IBS can also cause flatulence, tiredness, and lack of energy. Nausea, backaches, and problems when peeing.  These symptoms can all be very difficult to live with for IBS sufferers and therefore a dietary change that reduces them is a great idea.

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There are also many different conditions that require dietary changes. These include severe food allergies or food intolerances such as lactose intolerance or coeliac disease. Eczema and heart disease also require a change of diet, although the diets can be very different. For people who are very overweight or obese, a general diet to lose weight is usually recommended by doctors or nutritionist to prevent dangerous health conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Prevention is often better than curing any condition. Although BMIs are outdated and often not directly correlated with health. Hip to waist ratios can tell a lot about a woman’s risk factor for certain conditions. Weight in muscle is good weight, but weight in fat concentrated around the abdominal area is an indicator of possible future problems.

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