The most common reasons for hair loss

It’s a sad fact that most of us men are going to lose the hair on top of our heads. It’s a part of ageing as much as anything but there are reasons as to why it is happening that we can look at now. If you are worried about it or that you are starting to see the first signs of it then Hair systems Cheltenham based specialists Barber n Bar can help you and guide you through the options open to you.

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  1. It’s in your Genes. Sadly there isn’t much that you can do about that. You get what your born with and unless Gene therapy is used, which is reserved for more serious issues then I’m afraid that you need to look into other options. To get an idea take a look back at the generations of men before you and how well they did hair wise.
  2. Those blessed hormones. It might be that you have too much testosterone. In other words you’re too manly. This hormone is very good and converts it into DHT which is known to shrink follicles. The same thing happens to women in the menopause. The other thing it could be is your thyroid being weird.

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  1. Medical problems. It can be a sign, but not necessarily of other conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and, more common nowadays, obesity.
  2. Stress and Stressful events. Hair is very susceptible to stressful events as the body floods with adrenalin. This can be caused by anything and it can grow back.
  3. A nasty scalp disorder. Fungal infections and ringworm are some of the deeply unpleasant effects you can get. At least this can be treated with medicines. Dermatitis is also a common issue.
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