Preparing for a New Puppy

A new puppy is a big commitment and often a first-time dog owner is not always aware of what they are letting themselves in for! As adorable as puppies are, they are also a huge amount of work and it can be something that people find overwhelming, particularly if it is something that they are not prepared for.

By putting in the right changes now and training and working with your puppy, right from the start, you will be rewarded with a happy and well-behaved adult dog. But here are a few tips to get you through those first few months that can be a shock to new dog owners!

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Make sure that your home is puppy proofed – Young puppies can chew anything and everything – shoes, kids toys and your favourite carpet! So, getting the house and the family prepared for this is important. Think about changing your flooring if you have downstairs carpet to something like this Laminate Wood Flooring from Irwin Tiles, and make sure that kids are aware they should keep things like toys away from the puppy.

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Training is essential if you want a well-behaved dog, so start as early as possible. Look at training books and enrol on a training class to make sure that you start as you mean to go on and get the ball rolling early. It is important that you keep reinforcing the training at home and when out on the lead too, and all family members should be aware of this.

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