What are the Most Destructive Creations on the Planet?

When it comes to destruction, the human race has mastered it! Whether we are wiping out entire rainforests in the Amazon, or an entire race of people, such as the Native Americans. Of course, sometimes destruction is necessary – go to David Horton for demolition Bristol services, and old and dangerous buildings can be removed, and we know that wildfires are also natures way of destroying something to make it better.

When it comes to destruction, weapons are constantly being created with more power, and greater destructive capabilities – here are just some of the most destructive things on the planet….

Biological Weapons – Biological weapons are incredibly deadly, and can be used to wipe out entire populations – we have seen recently how much of effect a new virus has on society – imagine that virus was as deadly as the plague was and genetically engineered to be able to spread easily. One example of a biological weapon is anthrax, which was considered as a weapon during the second world war but not used.

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Nuclear Weapons – When you think of deadly weapons, it is probably these that come to mind! The characteristic mushroom cloud and fireball coupled with the nuclear fallout makes these bombs a huge concern for the planet. Capable of wiping out all life on earth, nuclear weapons have continued to advance since they were used in war on Japan in 1945.

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Chemical Weapons – Chemical weapons may not have the instant destructive effect of a nuclear weapon, but they are incredibly effective weapons with nasty effects. The most famous chemical weapon is Novichok, made famous by the Salisbury assassination case in 2018. Sarin is also a well-known nerve agent, and a tiny drop can quickly kill a person.

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