How to Value Your Park Home

When you’re thinking about selling your park home, it can be difficult to work out how to value it. You might be considering selling up because a park home no longer suits your lifestyle.

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But what if you aren’t tired of Park Home Life but fancy relocating to another part of the country? How can you work out how to value your park home so you’ll be able to buy a similar one elsewhere? You might want to consider a move to the south west of England. When looking for park homes Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire are all areas you could consider.

1. Ask Your Neighbours

If you’re unsure how much to sell your park home for, talk to your neighbours. Like you, your neighbours will know the local area well and may know other people who have recently bought or sold their park homes. This may help you to get an idea of how much park homes in your area are currently worth. It’s possible that you may not yet want to let your neighbours know that you’re considering a move. Don’t worry; there are plenty of other ways to find information.

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2. Talk to an Estate Agent

Estate agents specialise in knowing all about the property market – park homes included! Most estate agents will offer to value your home for no fee. Be careful not to mention that you may not use them for your sale, as you may suddenly find yourself unexpectedly being charged for the valuation. If you can, see if you can get valuations from multiple estate agents. This will give you a better overview of what the park home market is currently like.

3. Search the Internet

If you’re in the early stages of considering selling and don’t feel ready to discuss a sale in person, the internet is your best friend. Look at property sites; they will list figures that will give you a good overview of what the market currently looks like and whether now is a good time to sell your home. The internet can also help you find park homes in other areas of the country if you fancy a change but aren’t yet ready to leave park home life completely behind.

No matter how you decide to look for information, doing your research is important so you know how to sell without losing money.

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