How To Relieve Stress During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very special time, but it can also be stressful, especially when the pregnancy is unplanned, you are worried you won’t make it full term, or if you have complications. You may have heard that stress can have a negative effect on the baby, but it is important not to stress about stress, as it will only worsen your anxiety! Instead, do what you can to relax as much as possible and prepare yourself for motherhood by learning to treat yourself with compassion. This doesn’t mean self-indulgence, but not being hard on yourself and teaching yourself that you are good enough. Read on to find out how to relieve stress during pregnancy.

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  1. Breathe. It sounds simple but taking a moment to bring your mind away from your thoughts and worries, and into how your body feels in the current moment can help calm your anxiety. It takes practise, but deep breaths can be one of the most effective ways to lower your heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels.
  2. Listen to some calming music. Music releases dopamine in the brain, which is also known as the ‘happy hormone’. Anything that can make you smile, bring you to your senses (meaning you are mindful of the sensory experience of the moment) or distract you from worrying about things will help get you through any stressful time.

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  1. Another great sensory activity that is hugely beneficial during pregnancy is massage. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort in your lower back, hips or feet for example, massage would be ideal. If walking is an issue, you could even have a masseuse come to your home. If you are looking to have a Mobile Massage London, visit
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